Become a REMAX Real estate agent

Join Us

Are you ready to start working for yourself instead of others? Do you want to grow, learn, and reach your full potential in both your career and life?

Join RE/MAX Isla Blanca Ibiza and become part of the world’s largest real estate organization, with over 120,000 agents in more than 100 countries across all five continents. In Spain alone, there are more than 140 operational offices.

Independent Agent

At RE/MAX Isla Blanca Ibiza, you have the opportunity to maximize your success. You work as your own boss, gain access to the best training in the industry, and utilize the latest marketing and technology tools. All of this while being part of a dynamic team that prioritizes your personal growth.

We provide continuous training and support, with a Professional Development Manager who offers guidance from day one to help you achieve your professional and personal goals.

Additionally, our agents in Ibiza earn the highest commissions, up to 73% of each sale—the highest on the island!

RE/MAX Isla Blanca

RE/MAX Isla Blanca is the fastest-growing real estate agency in Ibiza. We are looking for proactive individuals who want to build a successful career as a REAL ESTATE ADVISOR.

Did you know that the number one agent in RE/MAX Spain, based on earnings, is from our office? This agent was fully trained and supported by our team and reached this top position in just 1.5 years. This could be you!

Our approach is based on trust, care, and long-term support for both our clients and our agents. As an independent professional (regimen de Autonomo), you work for yourself, with full support from our Broker, Professional Development Manager, and our in-house sales team, as well as the RE/MAX association platform. With this support, you can build your own business.

Seize Your Opportunity

This is the perfect opportunity for anyone looking to elevate their professional career. There are no limits to what you can achieve!

Do you want to live the life you’ve always dreamed of? If you’re ready for a new challenge or want to take your career to the next level, send us your CV now.

Our Realestate Agents